Writer. Editor. Content Strategist.

Website Redesign Content Strategy

The Challenge
The projekt202 website was long out of date. It did not accurately represent the company’s services. Worse, the tone and angle were off: The prevailing narrative was about how great projekt202 was, not about how projekt202 could help enable client success.

Our Approach
Though this was an internal redesign project, we approached it just as we would have for an external client. With a team comprised of a researcher, two designers, and yours truly as a content strategist, we conducted user and stakeholder research to glean business and user needs.

Based on this generative research, we created experience principles, proto-personas, and a buyer’s journey. I used these artifacts to define the new voice and tone, create editorial principles, and inform the new information architecture. I also wrote all microcopy and longer-form content, such as work case studies.

The Results
Our internal “clients” — executive leadership and employees — were thrilled with the result of the new site. It better reflected our brand, offerings, and the tone we wanted to convey to potential clients.

Early indications were that the new website was better at converting leads. However, projekt202 rebranded to Stellar Elements before significant data could be captured.

 I participated in user interviews, synthesis, and in the creation of experience and editorial principles based on the insights we uncovered.

I participated in user interviews, synthesis, and in the creation of experience and editorial principles based on the insights we uncovered.

 The Buyer’s Journey captured potential clients’ goals, actions, and sentiment when interacting with projekt202. I identified opportunities for the content experience to enhance the buyer’s journey at each touchpoint.

The Buyer’s Journey captured potential clients’ goals, actions, and sentiment when interacting with projekt202. I identified opportunities for the content experience to enhance the buyer’s journey at each touchpoint.

 I created navigation models to reflect potential directions in voice, tone, and brand personality.

I created navigation models to reflect potential directions in voice, tone, and brand personality.